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Improving your dental health may seem like a daunting task, especially when it comes to the realignment process. This can be treated with the process of braces! Applying braces to your teeth is beneficial not only in your look but in your ability to chew foods and speak properly. Here at Schouten Orthodontics, we believe a straighter smile can improve your lifestyle for the better.

This process may seem at first only a possible procedure for children, but it’s applicable for adults as well! It’s a simple process with your orthodontist first applying a polishing paste to rid the tooth enamel of any harmful bacteria or decay. After your teeth are cleaned, brackets are then bonded on the surface to which metal bands are shaped around your teeth’s arch and placed into the brackets. Lastly, rubber bands in the color you prefer, colored or clear, are put in place to hold the metal bands in place.

A completely normal step of the braces’ process is when you experience soreness from your teeth shifting. This new adjustment puts pressure on your teeth to shift into unnatural positions, so speak to your orthodontist about what solutions are best for you if this doesn’t go away after a few days. Dr. John R. Schouten and our dental team are happy to assist you with your braces’ needs.

The most important steps you can take in preventing any problems with your braces is cleaning your hardware and teeth thoroughly each day. Not doing so can result in your braces being removed to fix decay or infections. To get your straightest and best smile, call 435.637.0820 to make an appointment or meet for a consultation with Schouten Orthodontics here in Price, Utah, today!