If you have braces, then you know how important it is to keep your teeth and braces clean while you adjust your smile. Having clean braces can be tricky with so many wires and bands in your mouth. That is why our team here at Schouten Orthodontics in Price, Utah, is happy to give you some basic tips and tricks when it comes to cleaning your braces.
One of the first things to remember is to always brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly. There are orthodontic tools you can use to clean between your brackets and floss, so your teeth can stay in tip-top shape while you undergo treatment. However, over time, we understand accidents can happen and a wire might become loose or broken. If a situation like this arises, do not attempt to fix it yourself. Simply place a piece of orthodontic wax over the broken area and call us immediately, so we can get your braces back to excellent shape.
Another part of keeping your braces clean and in good shape is to remember the foods you choose to eat. Certain foods and snacks can make keeping your braces more difficult to clean. That is why it’s best to avoid this at all costs. Foods that are best avoided include popcorn, chewy and sticky foods, nuts, tough meets, and other sweets like gum.
If you still have questions about your braces, please call us today at 435.637.0820 to set up an appointment. Our friendly Dr. John R. Schouten and our entire professional team are happy to assist you and your smile in any way we can.