Invisalign® is a popular a brand of clear plastic aligners that can help correct minor alignment issues with your teeth. This can help prevent problems like dental attrition while also giving you a more appealing smile.
The clear durable plastic aligners are made from material makes it difficult for the casual observer to notice while they’re in your mouth. Every two weeks you will need to switch to a new set of Invisalign® that has been adjusted one step closer to the ideal alignment of your teeth.
There will still be a mild amount of tension lingering in the periodontal ligaments of your dental sockets after your smile has been fully corrected. If it’s not mitigated in some way, it could cause your teeth to relapse out of their new alignment.
To prevent your teeth from relapsing, Dr. John R. Schouten might fit you for a clear plastic retainer. This will be made from a soft, clear plastic material similar to Invisalign®.
You will need to use the retainer during the prescribed times. Cleaning and maintaining your clear plastic retainer each day will keep the total amount of time you need to use it to the bare minimum.
You can drink normally while the clear plastic retainer is in your mouth. However, you will need to take it out when you’re eating. When you’re not wearing the clear plastic aligner you should keep it in the case provided.
You should rinse the retainer to remove any plaque and food material every time you take it out. The clear plastic retainer should be soaked each night in a mixture of cold water and antiseptic mouthwash.
You can remove any plaque buildup by gently brush the clear plastic retainer with a soft-bristled toothbrush, and nonabrasive toothpaste. Brushing abrasive toothpaste could dull the plastic material making it more noticeable while they’re in your mouth.
If you live in the Price, Utah, area and you’re interested in Invisalign® to correct your alignment issues, you should call 435.637.0820 to schedule a consultation at Schouten Orthodontics.